Onboarding with Strive Network

Strive Network enables a self onboarding process for any NFT project to onboard seamlessly. The utility wrapper deployed through our protocol is self custodial.

Step 1

Connect your wallet through our project login and import the NFT collection by giving the NFT collection smart contract address. And we will be fetching the collection name, description, collection image banner from the blockchain itself. If the NFT collection doesn't have any of these details, they can be filled in/edited in the respective fields.

Step 2

Give us other details you want your community to view in the project page of our utility marketplace. Fields like the official website, twitter etc. These fields are not mandatory but helps your project to get a better exposure on our platform

Step 3

Strive Network enables the NFT project to earn royalties on the deployed utilities. One can set the royalty fee anywhere between 0-10%. 1/10th of this royalty will be going to Strive Network as a platform fee.

Step 4

Enable biconomy integration by clicking the toggle button if you want to enable gasless transactions on your utility trading. You can also skip this step for later.

***Note - Biconomy integration needs to be enabled before you proceed with further steps if you want to enable gasless transactions in the future.(Once smart contract is deployed it cannot be altered. However, you can disable gasless transactions even after enabling biconomy)

Last updated